What do you HATE about dentists? What part of it bugs you
the most?
The drill and drone of dentists
Ask anyone and the following is the response you’ll get:
If you’re a Dentist Hater, I’m sure you have your reasons,
and yet I’ll bet it’s not actually dentists you hate. It’s all the stuff a
dentist does that creeps you out like the drilling, filling, and billing parts.
Who can blame you for that? A dental chair can combine the
sum of all fears… with pain, needles, doctors, confined-spaces, loud noises.
It’s no big surprise so many people hate going to the
dentist. Hating dentists comes naturally to many people. Some people hate
dentists because they are Dentists, some think dentists are meant to be hated.
A few hate them because others do so. But, an important aspect of this is why
people hate the dentist. I have tried to figure it out and I think there are a
few genuine reasons for people to hate or be afraid of the dentist.
1.The PAIN!
“Is it going to hurt?” That’s the question on everybody’s
mind whenever they sit in a dental chair. It’s obvious why it is easily the
most common reason that people hate dentists. You might have never undergone a
dental procedure, but hearing all those horror stories of pain can make you
hate the dentist. You could also have a previous horror encounter with the
dentist and hate them after that.
For me, it’s mostly the horror stories and the mental image.
2.The DRILL!
The drill instills fear in everyone. Suddenly you start
picturing yourself in a gory movie like SAW or something. The sheer sound of it
is something similar to a drill machine and letting someone put that thing in
your mouth is not in your comfort zone. This weapon of destruction with all the
noise vibration and spray becomes a focus for their anxiety. When we hear that
sound, their sweat starts to pour.
3.The Clinic!
I honestly feel there are shortcomings with the clinic
itself. I don’t like the look of it, or the sight of dental chair/instruments
makes them feel nervous. A few people say they hate the smell of the dentist’s
office. With any measure of anxiety or fear, your senses are put on high-alert.
You become hyper-aware of sights, sounds and smells.
Dentistry is invasive. They’re right inside our mouth
performing some heavy gum-gardening and tooth-carpentry. This can definitely feel like an invasion of
your personal space. Surely feels for me!
Last but certainly not the least, it’s the lecturing. If you already feel guilty or embarrassed
about your situation, the last thing you want is reasons to feel worse. You
don’t need to be scolded into submission, admonished like you’re a helpless
child or assaulted by irrelevant factoids until your eyes glaze over.
Going to the dentist is stressful enough without the people
who are supposed to help you piling on more guilt and blame. Who needs that?
Why pay good money and be made to feel like crap?
Regardless, it is something we can’t avoid and if we do, we
can forget about making friends. The bad oral hygiene is going to keep them
away forever. So, hate Dentists or love Dentists, you just can’t ignore
Wonderful and so true.....loved it