Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Helpless self help books!

I was reading a magazine in the airport the other day and noticed some suggestions for self-improvement. While these suggestions were good, as far as they went, they just didn’t seem to quite cover all the alternatives for me.

Eat light and read something inspirational. (“Why not read something light, like a Dilbert cartoon, and eat something inspirational like a chocolate?”)
Be organized and make a to-do list.(“ If it is worth doing, I somehow feel I should just do it instead of spending my time making lists”)
Count your blessings.(“ If you can’t think of any good ones, is it okay to count troubles? Or maybe I could just count sheep and go back to sleep?”)
Get advice from others. (“If anyone has trouble with this one, my aunts, uncles, neighbours, colleagues would be glad to help.”)
Think of something you would like to stop doing. (“I just have a feeling that quitting my job is not an option here.”)
Be creative.(“ But not while driving in rush hour traffic! There are times to be creative and times to conform.”)
Exercise. (“I suppose watching an aerobic video on youtube does not count, regardless of how much it wears me out.”)
Write down negative thoughts and then tear up the paper. (“Well, there goes next blogpost!”)
Visualize yourself the way you want to be. (“ You’ll still be old and fat; you just won’t have to admit it to yourself.”)
Don’t give up. (“Yes, if you sit in traffic long enough, eventually you’ll get home - unless you run out of gas first, that is.”)
Reward yourself for saving money by getting something you really want.(“ But what I really want is to spend the money instead of saving it.”)
Plan a vacation to have something to look forward to. ( “I get no time for vacation and looking forward to 5 p.m. is good enough for me.”)

Just as I suspected, it’s totally hopeless. But think of the money I’ve saved by staying just the way I am. Maybe I could use it on something I really need, like more self-help books, for better ideas!


  1. i can write such 'self help happy thoughts' in one quiet evening..........and still kill someone for cutting me in line the very next minute..

    P.S- i never knew you hate your job..

  2. Lols hillarious these self help books seriously r worthless and i say this from experience i have this huge collection of self help books which provide no help 2 me whatsover they just increase d trash counter of my house

  3. hello
    i have nominated you for the liebster award
    for further info check my blog
